Saturday, August 7, 2010

They paid the greatest price

This morning my day began early with emails and Skype calls about the 10 medical aid workers that were killed in Afghanistan. Friends in Kabul wanted me to know that this attack was different, the names of these victims were friends. Co-works in a sense. I am truly heart broken.

Like them when I volunteered to go, I knew there would be risks. However, it still doesn't lessen the impact of the news. Can you ever be prepared for something like this? This news is devastating.

One of the men, him and I flew into Kabul together. It was only a year ago. We were both newbies. We had spent a few days in Dubai. We sat for hours together in the waiting room at the consulate chatting about the projects we would be working on, what we thought life was going to be like and wondering if we would ever be able to learn the language. Later that evening we ordered take out and just hung out. We didn't know what else there was to do. Then the next morning, we boarded the same flight into the sandbox. It was so comforting to have a buddy that was as new to this as I was. Throughout the year we would run into each other at various events and chat.

One of the men is the husband of a co-worker. The last time we had dinner together he was talking about this trip. That was three weeks ago, the last time I saw him.

The others, I met as the months went on. Invited to lunch, friendly hello's at the bazaar. It's overwhelming to think about it all.

My thoughts and prayers go out to their families. My poor friends still in Kabul, you are also in my prayers. I am sending big hugs your way.

I keep asking; why, how and why? Words like senseless, evil and horrific keep coming to mind. Like me, they came to Afghanistan to help the people. Unlike me, they paid the ultimate price.