Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Compassion or Policy?

I have been very thankful, the last two days at work have been good ones. I'm learning a few more names and am getting lost a less. The hospital is a large square so if you go the wrong direction, eventually you end up where you wanted to be. Since I haven't been able to run, I don't mind the extra steps. I have taken to jumping rope on our roof in the evenings for some exercise. Tonight I was a little desperate and did suicide drills. I quickly remembered why I hated them during basketball practice. The roof isn't large probably comparable to half a basketball court, at least the part we can use.

Today was a long day, there were a lot of little human resource (HR) issues to deal with. Most of them minor things. My day started with an inservice in one department to discuss professional behavior and the importance of treating our patients and other members of the healthcare team respectfully. There were two complaints last week in this department that we used as "case studies" to see how they could have been handled differently.

However there was one HR issue in particular that I can't shake. I am struggling with balancing compassion and adhering to policy. As a nurse, as a women, as a public health professional I want to help this staff member. They have valid points but as a Director if I make allowances this time, don't I have to do the same for everyone else? As a leader, I know I can't make an allowance for them. We met as a leadership team to discuss this event so I know I have the necessary support but it will break my heart tomorrow to tell them I can't allow them to do what they want. Things are complicated and everything isn't black or white. The scenarios are unique and the challenges that are hard to describe. But we make a decision based on the information we have at the time and let's hope its for the best.

On a very different note, its raining here. We are actually having a thunderstorm. Who knew.
Keep Smiling