Friday, January 8, 2010


In the book Stones into Schools, Greg Mortenson describes Afghanistan as “a place where life is often messy, confusing, and unfair – and where events almost never conform to the script that has been laid.” In the four months that I have been in country, I can testify to the truth of this description. My team has coined the phrase “this is Afghanistan (TIA)” as a means to assist us in coping with the messy and confusing aspects of life here.

My most recent example has been the visa process. I arrived in September with one visa, which as it turned out was no longer the correct visa to have in order to get a work permit. The unofficial explanation for the change “TIA.” As a result several of us had to leave the country to get the correct visa. None of us minded because who doesn't mind a surprise weekend in a warmer climate. We had to leave because you cannot renew your visa in country without a work permit. The visa I was given expired in a month, which because of TIA a month isn't enough time to be issued a work permit and a new visa. So off to the consulate to get another visa. No worries, this is my 3rd visa.

But for some reason, this time did not go according to script. The only reason I have for the complicated process; TIA. After visiting two embassy’s and pleading my case to anyone who would listen, I was granted a visa; which as they say here Enshallah (God willing) this is the right one and can be renewed in country.

Sometimes a picture is worth thousand words. Thankfully it all worked out and I am back at work.