One of my favorite fall activities is going to the orchard to get apples and a pumpkin to carve. My mom, youngest sister and I all went this weekend. We sort of cheat; we don't actually pick the apples. We buy ones in a basket that someone at the Orchard has already picked.
Selecting a pumpkin is tricky, especially when you don't have an idea on how you want to decorate it. Some years I get a small one or one with a dent, depends on my mood. This year I went for a medium sized one that I can carve. The plan is to attempt to make a pumpkin bread with the insides. Never done that before. My sister selected a white pumpkin. I don't remember ever seeing an all white pumpkin. She's not sure how she is going to decorate it either.
One of my other favorite activities is getting warm apple fritters and hot apple cider. I missed this last year. One of the things that was challenging about living in Kabul is its brown, year round its brown. It's so sad. Aside from when the flowers bloom, there is very little color or vegetation in the city. At least the flowers are in bloom spring, summer and fall.
Keep Smiling!