Searching for a job, takes a lot of energy and perseverance. It's not for the faint of heart and interviews are mentally draining. Officially I've been unemployed or as I prefer to call it, retired since Oct 1. Not horrible considering the current state of our economy. I also have elected not to collect unemployment. Thankfully I am in a position where I don't need it. My parents are letting me live with them rent free and I don't have debt. In addition to that, a few short term opportunities such as editing an article for publication have presented themselves so I've had spending money.
I have been on a few interviews for either consulting opportunities or full-time employment, which I am truly thankful for. Again, given the unemployment rate I feel pretty blessed. I have greatly appreciated the time of rest at home as I've been adjusting to being back in the States. I needed that much more then I ever dreamed.
With that said, its going to be quite the shock to my system when I have to rejoin the workforce. Unless I can find a job that lets me start at 11am and wear slippers, but I'm doubtful. I used to watch the Ironman Triathlon that occurs in Hawaii and think the only way I could do that was to quit my job and train full time. Well, I haven't used this time home to do that. Although if a job doesn't happen soon, I may reconsider that option.
As of today, I have two interviews scheduled. One will be my third interview with the facility. The second is a two day interview with another facility. There is a third facility that reportedly wants to interview me but has yet to schedule it.
All of these opportunities are in the States. I haven't seen an overseas opportunity that pulled on my heart like Afghanistan did. Felt a twinge for an opportunity in Haiti, so maybe that part of me isn't dead. Here's to hoping I am employed at Christmas.
The photo is of the mountains in Kabul. It was taken from the plane as I was flying home.
Keep Smiling!