Whoop Whoop, let the celebration begin! The waiting is finally over. I accepted an offer to be the Director of Nursing at a hospital in Connecticut. I'll start next month. I am extremely excited and a little nervous. Its a big responsibility but I think it will be a good fit for me. I agree with the hospitals mission and vision and am excited to bring their nursing department to the next level.
My parents, my sister and me all had a little champagne toast to celebrate that my retirement is over. It was fun to be able to enjoy the good news with them. The timing was perfect.
Its a little switch over working in Kabul but the patient population is diverse in its socioeconomic status, which excites me. The hospital is involved in their community and who knows what opportunities will present itself.
Now I have to decide where to live, and if I should rent or buy. But before that I have a trip to Colorado planned for some de-briefing and then a vacation in Hawaii!! Which is just a little treat to myself.
Keep Smiling!